If you have a desire to worship and to have the unique opportunity to lead others in doing so, then come and join the Worship Ministry! This musically-talented, Spiritually-led group leads the congregation of the church in corporate worship each Sunday morning. There are many ways for you to get involved; look below for more details:
We meet in the Choir Room every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:00 pm. If you would like to join the Choir or come sit in on a rehearsal, we invite you to come to a rehearsal, pick up some information and music, and see if the Worship Ministry Choir is where God is leading you to be! If you prefer, you may contact our Music Admin, Stephany Walton.
First worship band and orchestra
The Band and Orchestra provide the foundation and music for special worship services. If you play an instrument, we invite you to contact our Music Admin, Stephany Walton to learn more.
FIRSTMedia team
The FirstMEDIA Team is the backbone of the Worship Ministry; it runs the cameras, computers, sound, and lighting each Sunday. No experience is necessary. If you are interested in being involved in the FirstMEDIA Team, contact our Music Admin, Stephany Walton for more information.
for more information
Call: (817) 485-7711
Email: stephany@fbcfw.org